Yellow-faced Grassquit
Tiaris olivaceus

f6.7 @ 1/1600s, ISO:4000, Nikon D3S w 500mm and 1.7X teleconverter

"Yellow-faced Grassquit," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The yellow-faced grassquit is a passerine bird from the Central American tropics and surrounding regions. It is one of the tholospizan "finches" which are specialized tanagers (Thraupidae). As such, it is closely related to the famous Darwin's finches. It is a small bird with a conical bill, sharper than that of the related seedeaters. It is 10–10.7 cm (3.9–4.2 in) long and weighs about 8–10 g (0.28–0.35 oz), depending on subspecies. The adult male has an olive-green back, and its face and breast are black apart from a bright yellow throat, supercilia, and lower eyelid spot. The rest of the underparts are greyish olive. The beak and eyes are dark, the legs are grey.
El Valle de Anton, Panama