Wide Band Tube Dwelling Anemone
Isarachnanthus nocturnus

f22 @ 1/60S, ASA 25, Kodachrome 25 slide film, Nikonos II w 35mm and 1:2 extension tube, Ikelite 225 flash w aluminum flash reflector

Tube anemones are characteristically slender smooth cones topped with two sets of dissimilar tentacles. The outer fringing tentacles are particularly well armed with stinging cells. The shorter (less than two inch) inner labial or oral tentacles assist in food gathering and manipulation. Isarachnanthus nocturnus, the Banded Tube-Dwelling Anemone... actually not a "true" anemone (Order Actinaria), but a close relative to Black Corals (same Order, Ceriantharia). Tapering, translucent tentacles with varyingly dark brown bands. Comes out of the substrate at night (and back in if frightened).
Salt River Canyon, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands