Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Empidonax flaviventris

f4 @ 3200, ISO:1250, Nikon D3S w 500mm

"Yellow-bellied Flycatcher," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.The yellow-bellied flycatcher is a small insect-eating bird of the tyrant flycatcher family. Adults have greenish upperparts and yellowish underparts (especially on the throat), with a dusky wash on the chest. They have a white or yellow eye ring that lacks the teardrop projection of Pacific-slope (E. difficilis) or cordilleran (E. occidentalis) flycatchers, white or yellowish wing bars that contrast strongly against the black wings, a broad, flat bill, and a relatively short tail when compared to other members of the genus. The upper mandible of the bill is dark, while the lower mandible is orange-pink.
Magee Marsh. Oregon, Ohio