Gambel\'s Quail
Callipepla gambelii

f13 @ 1/2500s, ISO:1000, Nikon D3S w 500mm and 1.7X tele-extender

\"Gambel\'s Quail,\" Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Gambel\'s Quail, Callipepla gambelii, is a small ground-dwelling bird in the New World quail family. It inhabits the desert regions of Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Texas, and Sonora; also New Mexico-border Chihuahua and the Colorado River region of Baja California.The Callipepla gambelii birds are easily recognized by their top knots and scaly plumage on their undersides. Gambel\'s quail have gray plumage on much of their bodies, and males have copper feathers on the top of their heads, black faces, and white stripes above their eyes. The bird\'s average length is 11 inches (30 cm) with a wingspan of 14-16 inches (35–40 cm). These birds have relatively short, rounded wings and long, featherless legs. Its diet consists primarily of plant matter and seeds.
Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico