Little Tinamou
Crypturellus soui

f5 @ 1/200s. ISO:4000, Nikon D3S w 500mm

"Little Tinamou," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The little tinamou is a species of tinamou. It is found in Central and South America, as well as on the Caribbean island of Trinidad. The little tinamou is approximately 22 to 24 cm (8.7–9.4 in) long and weighs 220 g (7.8 oz). Although it looks similar to other ground-dwelling birds like quail and grouse, it is unrelated to those groups. It has an unbarred sooty-brown plumage which transitions to grey on the head. The foreneck is whitish. While the underside of both male and female is cinnamon buff, the female is a lighter shade. The legs can be grey, olive, or yellow. Both male and female are almost tailess. Little tinamou are shy, secretive, and pair-solitary animals. Despite their abundance, they are rarely sighted. In the field, they are detected by sound more often than sight. The whistle call is a soft, descending whinny (also a series of single notes, tempo increasing at end) produced by both sexes. They eat seeds, berries, and some insects. They can fly but will run unless flight is necessary. They are highly territorial and will attack when encroached upon if the intruding bird is not their mate. There is evidence that they will maintain the same territory for years.
Dagua, Colombia