Pale-vented Pigeon
Patagioenas cayennensis

f6.7 @ 1/800s, ISO:2500, Nikon D3S w 500mm and 1.7X teleconverter

"Pale-vented Pigeon," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The pale-vented pigeon is a large pigeon (family Columbidae) found in the tropical Americas. The pale-vented pigeon is 30–32 cm long and weighs normally 230–250 g. Adult males have a mainly dull purple head, breast and upperpart plumage, with copper glossing on the nape and a whitish throat. The lower back and tail are dark grey and the lower underparts are pale grey. The bill is black and the legs, iris and eyering are red. The female is similar, but duller than the male, and immatures are greyish-brown, very dull, and mainly greyish brown.
Darien Province, Panama