Saffron Finch
Sicalis flaveola

f5.6 @ 1/80s, ISO:3200, Nikon D3S w 500mm

"Saffron Finch," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The saffron finch is a tanager from South America that is common in open and semi-open areas in lowlands outside the Amazon Basin. They have a wide distribution in Colombia, northern Venezuela (where it is called "canario de tejado" or "roof canary"), western Ecuador, western Peru, eastern and southern Brazil (where it is called "canário-da-terra" or "native canary"), Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, northern Argentina, and Trinidad and Tobago. It has also been introduced to Hawaii, Panama, Puerto Rico and elsewhere. The male is bright yellow with an orange crown which distinguishes it from most other yellow finches.
Dagua, Colombia