Arctic fox (blue morph)
Vulpes lagopus pribilofensis

f6.7 @ 1/320s, ISO:800, Nikon D3S w 500mm and 1.7X teleconverter

\"Arctic fox,\" Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The fox has a low surface area to volume ratio, as evidenced by its generally compact body shape, short muzzle and legs, and short, thick ears. Since less of its surface area is exposed to the Arctic cold, less heat escapes from its body. Its paws have fur on the soles for additional insulation and to help it walk on ice. Its fur changes color with the seasons: in most populations it is white in the winter to blend in with snow, while in the summer it is greyish-brown or darker brown. In some populations, however, it is a steely bluish-gray in the winter and a paler bluish-gray in summer.
St. Paul, Pribilof Islands, Alaska