Bothrops asper

f20 @ 1/40s, ISO:1250, Nikon D3S w 105mm macro

"Fer-de-Lance," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In the Colombian states of Antioquia and Chocó, it causes 50–70% of all snakebites, with a sequelae rate of 9% and a fatality rate of 6%. In the state of Lara, Venezuela, it is responsible for 78% of all envenomations and all snakebite fatalities. One of the reasons so many people are bitten is because of its association with human habitation; many bites occur indoors. Herpetologist Douglas March died after being bitten by this species. This species is irritable and fast-moving. It is also regarded as being more excitable and unpredictable than B. atrox. Its large size and habit of raising its head high off the ground can result in bites above the knee. It has also been observed to eject venom over a distance of at least 6 ft (1.8 m) in fine jets from the tips of its fangs.
El Valle de Anton, Panama