Question Mark (captive bred)
Polygonia interrogationis

f13 @ 1/40s, ISO:2000, Nikon D3S w105mm, Nikon SB-5000 Speedlight

"Polygonia interrogationis," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Polygonia interrogationis, the question mark, is a North American nymphalid butterfly. It lives in wooded areas, city parks, generally in areas with a combination of trees and open space. The color and textured appearance of the underside of its wings combine to provide camouflage that resembles a dead leaf. The adult butterfly has a wingspan of 4.5–7.6 cm (1.8–3.0 in). As an adult butterfly, the question mark seeks out rotting fruit, tree sap, dung, or carrion as food sources. Only when these are unavailable do question marks visit flowers for nectar. This dietary adaptation is especially beneficial to the late spring / overwintering / early spring brood when nectar sources may be limited.
Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory & Gardens, South Deerfield, Massachusetts