Virginia Strawberry
Fragaria virginiana

f20 @ 1/200s, ISO:640, Nikon D3S w 105mm macro and qty 2 SB-R200 flashes

"Virginia Strawberry," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Fragaria Virginiana is also called wild strawberry. It can grow up to 4 inches tall. Its leaf characteristic typically consists of several trifoliate leaves (or has three leaves, as clover) and their leaves are green. Each leaflet is about 3 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. The leaflet is oval shaped and has coarse teeth along the edge except near the bottom. This plant has a five-petaled white flower with numerous yellow-anthered centers. There are ten small green sepals under petals. The seeds of this plant are developed from a pistil in the centre of flower which will become dark-coloured fruit on the strawberry.[2] The wild strawberry is small when compared with garden strawberry (such as Fragaria x Ananassa) and its flavour is not good compared to the strawberry with which people are familiar. The strawberry is not a berry when looking from a botanical view, it technically is an aggregate accessory fruit.
Francis A. Crane Wildlife Management Area, East Falmouth, Massachusetts