Stalked Tunicates
Boltenia ovifera

1/60s at f22, ASA: 64, Kodak Kodachrome 64, Nikonos II w 28mm and Nikon close up kit, Ikelite flash

\"Boltenia ovifera,\" Fieldbook of Seashore Life, Roy Waldo Miner. In this particular species, the body is about the size of a hen\'s egg or larger. It is borne on the summit of a slender stalk, 1 to 4 inches in length. The body surface is variable, being smooth or wrinkled, and sometimes spiny. The color is yellowish orange, or partly or entirely red. This species is chiefly along the coast of Maine and farther north, in shallow water. It also occurs southward to Cape Cod in deeper water.
Jeffreys Ledge, Gulf of Maine