Ochotona princeps

f5 @ 1/1250s, ISO:800, Nikon D300S w 300mm

\"American Pika,\" Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The American pika, a diurnal species of pika, is found in the mountains of western North America, usually in boulder fields at or above the tree line. They are herbivorous, smaller relatives of rabbits and hares. The American pika is intermediate in size among pikas. The hind legs of the pika do not seem to be much longer than its front legs and its hind feet are relatively short when compared to most other lagomorphs. It has densely furred soles on its feet except for black pads at the ends of the toes. The ears are moderately large and suborbicular and are hairy on both surfaces, normally dark with white margins. The pika\'s \"buried\" tail is longer relative to body size compared to other lagomorphs. It has a slightly rounded skull with a broad and flat preorbital region. The fur color of the pika is the same for both sexes, but varies by subspecies and season. The dorsal fur of the pika ranges from grayish to cinnamon-brown, often colored with tawny or orchraceous hues, during the summer. During winter, the fur becomes grayer and longer. The dense underfur is usually slate-gray or lead-colored. It also has whitish ventral fur. Males are called bucks and females are called does like rabbits.
Canadian Rocky Mountains