Common Goldeneye
Bucephala clangula

f14 @ 1/320s, ISO:1000, Nikon D3S w 500mm and 1.7X tele-extender

\"Common Goldeneye,\" Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The common goldeneye is a medium-sized sea duck of the genus Bucephala, the goldeneyes. Their closest relative is the similar Barrow\'s goldeneye.Adult males ranges from 45–52 cm (18–20 in) and from 888 to 1,400 g (1.958 to 3.086 lb), while females range from 40–50 cm (16–20 in) and from 500 to 1,182 g (1.102 to 2.606 lb). The species is named for its golden-yellow eye. Adult males have a dark head with a greenish gloss and a circular white patch below the eye, a dark back and a white neck and belly.Their breeding habitat is the taiga. They are found in the lakes and rivers of boreal forests across Canada and the northern United States, Scandinavia and northern Russia. They are migratory and most winter in protected coastal waters or open inland waters at more temperate latitudes.
Moonakis River, Falmouth, Massachusetts