Great Gray Owl
Strix nebulosa

1/2000s at f4, ISO:400, Nikon D300S w 300mm

\"Great Grey Owl,\" Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.The Great Grey Owl or Lapland Owl (Strix nebulosa) is a very large owl, distributed across the Northern Hemisphere. In some areas it is also called the Great Gray Ghost, Phantom of the north, Cinereous Owl, Spectral Owl, Lapland Owl, Spruce Owl, Bearded Owl and Sooty Owl.Adults have a big, rounded head with a gray face and yellow eyes with darker circles around them. The underparts are light with dark streaks; the upper parts are gray with pale bars. This owl does not have ear tufts and has the largest facial disc of any raptor. In terms of length, the Great Gray Owl is believed to exceed the Eurasian Eagle-Owl and the Blakiston\'s Fish Owl as the world\'s largest owl.
Calgary, Canada