Herring Gull (Adult)
Larus argentatus smithsonianus

ASA 64, Ektachrome 64 slide film, Canon AE-1 w 300mm

\"American Herring Gull,\" Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.Breeding adults have a white head, rump, tail, and underparts and a pale gray back and upperwings. The wingtips are black with white spots known as \"mirrors\" and the rear edge of the wing is white. The underwing is grayish with dark tips to the outer primary feathers. The legs and feet are normally pink but can have a bluish tinge, or occasionally be yellow. The bill is yellow with a red spot on the lower mandible. The eye is bright, pale to medium yellow, with a bare yellow or orange ring around it. In winter, the head and neck are streaked with brown.
South Cape Beach, Mashpee, Massachusetts