Osprey Chicks
Pandion haliaetus

f9 @ 1/1000s, ISO:100, Nikon D300S w 300mm

\"Osprey,\" Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In spring the pair begins a five-month period of partnership to raise their young. The female lays two to four eggs within a month, and relies on the size of the nest to conserve heat. The eggs are whitish with bold splotches of reddish-brown and are about 6.2 cm × 4.5 cm (2.4 in × 1.8 in) and weigh about 65 g (2.3 oz).The eggs are incubated for about 5 weeks to hatching.The newly hatched chicks weigh only 50–60 g (1.8–2.1 oz), but fledge in 8–10 weeks.