Spot-crowned Barbet
Capito maculicoronatus

f7.1 @ 1/640s, ISO:1600, Nikon D3S w 500mm and 1.7X teleconverter

"Spot-crowned Barbet," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and The spot-crowned barbet is a species of bird in the family Capitonidae. It is found in Colombia and Panama. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest and heavily degraded former forest. Stocky canopy dweller with a stout bill and striking plumage. The male has black upperparts, a broad black mask with a white crown and throat, a yellow wash on the breast, black streaks on the sides, and a tuft of reddish-orange feathers sticking out from under the wing. The female is similar but with an entirely black head and breast. Occurs in the canopy of lowland forest from central Panama into western Colombia. Usually in pairs or small groups.
El Valle de Anton, Panama