Steller\'s Sea Eagle
Haliaeetus pelagicus

f5.6 @ 1/2500s, ISO:1000, Nikon D300S w 300mm

Steller\'s Sea Eagle,\" Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The mature Steller\'s sea eagle is dark brown to black over the majority of its body, with strongly contrasting white on the lesser and median upper-wing coverts, underwing coverts, thighs, under-tail coverts and tail. They have wedge-shaped, white tails that are relatively longer than those of the white-tailed eagle. The bold, pied coloration of adults may play some part in social hierarchies with other eagles of their own species during the non-breeding season, although this has not been extensively studied. The eyes, the bill and the feet of adults are all yellow in coloration.
Hokkaido, Japan